‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great
and unsearchable things you do not know.’
Jeremiah 33:3
One Minute Message
This was a promise to the Prophet of God, Jeremiah, but it has wider implications for
God’s people today. The children of God have a promise that if they call to God, he will answer! That’s remarkable! The God of the universe, the one who created the heavens and the earth, the one who designed and named you and me, not only promises to answer our call, but urges his people to call! He wants to hear from his children.
It doesn’t stop with that amazing detail either, though almighty God answering our call would be enough for most of us. No, he says that he will tell of great and unsearchable things that his children do not know. That means that things that are considered outside of the realm of human searching, God will reveal to his children. ‘Who you gonna call? You can’t go wrong calling upon the name of God.
To know what it means to be a ‘child of God,’ check out the resources below. And
remember, God is real; His word is true; and it has the power to change YOUR life!