You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Isaiah 26:3
One Minute Message
The prophet Isaiah is singing a song to God about how God will provide perfect peace to those who keep their thoughts fixed on him. Perfect peace!?! Are you kidding me? Is there even such a thing? God’s Word, the Bible, says that there is, and I am here to tell you that you can experience that perfect peace from God. This is a promise to the children of God. The promise says that when a person fixes their mind on God, they will experience a perfect peace. The source of such peace is the righteous, sovereign, saving God who “will swallow up death forever,” “will wipe away every tear,” and who alone is worthy of our trust.
That kind of promise could mean EVERYTHING in a world like ours that seems to be moving faster than ever, a world that seems lost and broken, a world where it is increasingly harder to find any peace, much less perfect peace. I would say that is a promise worth exploring!
To know what it means to be a ‘child of God,’ check out the resources below. And remember, God is real; His word is true; and that has the power to change YOUR life!