North Pointe Women’s Ministry is passionate about helping women know God more, make Him known, and make disciples. We don’t have it all figured out. We’re messy. But we know that we need Jesus in our lives, and we need others to share life with. We’d love to meet you.

RSVP for The Table

The Table is our monthly gathering to connect with other women and with God. We have dinner together, hear a message from our women’s ministry team or a guest  speaker, and spend Table Talk time in prayer and conversations to help put action to what we’re learning.  It’s a time to be refreshed and challenged, relax and breathe, laugh…and sometimes, maybe cry. Invite your friends or meet someone new. We can’t wait to see you at The Table!

This month at the Table is Summer Game & Craft Night
Tuesday, July 30, 6:30PM
Dinner: Pot Luck – Bring Something Delicious to Share


RSVP for The Table

The Table 2024
What would it have been like to meet Jesus face to face or to experience the audible voice of God giving you instruction? To hear his words, to see his eyes, to feel his touch? This year at The Table, we will dive into the lives of individuals who were transformed by meeting Jesus. We will look at stories and legacies that were forever altered when the presence of God showed up. And the best news is – His presence is with you today and that changes everything.

Precious Promises –  When Jesus Says ‘I Will’

Ladies, have you ever been on the receiving end of a failed promise?  Someone didn’t come through for you?  Maybe a failed marriage?  A broken legal contract?  If so, those events probably generated a lot of negative feelings but also gave you information about the promise-breaker.   But Good News…Jesus is not only The Promise of the Father, He’s the Promise- Maker and Promise-Keeper!  Our Thursday morning study is gearing up to study the “I WILLs” of Jesus – promises directly from the lips of the One who cannot lie and has never failed to keep His Word.  Not to be confused with the I AM statements of Jesus, this study is focused on what He says He will DO – statements full of hope, heart, provision. We’ll focus on in-depth Bible study, interactive discussion and personal application with the goals of connecting more deeply with God and each other.  Join us and invite a friend!

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