You were created for wonder. We were made to be captivated by God’s creation, to awe at His works, and to worship Him with reverence. When was the last time you were overcome by wonder? Not simple curiosity or admiration, but awe-inspiring, ground-shaking, undeniable wonder. Wonder draws us out of ourselves, into that which is beyond comprehension or explanation. It reframes the realities of our lives and it changes us from the inside out.
The birth of Jesus is the wonder of wonders. But, does it awaken in you a deep and abiding sense of wonder? Do you look to Christmas with a sense of awe and anticipation at the reality and mystery and beauty of God drawing near? Or, is your wonder lost in the waves of a familiar story and the hustle and bustle of a holiday? This Christmas season, you are invited to rediscover The Wonder of it All. As we reflect upon the birth of our Savior and all He is, may He captivate our hearts with what is truly good, beautiful, and worthy of wonder.