Why are you crying? Who are you looking for?
Greetings…. Don’t be afraid.
What are you so concerned about?
Peace be with you.
Go into the world.
Have you caught any fish?
Wait for the gift.

Just pray about it.
Let’s be real…sometimes that’s easier said than done, right?
Have you ever known you needed to have a tough conversation with someone, but avoided it? We tell ourselves the lie that if we don’t talk about it, the tension or conflict will go away. Maybe it’s just me…but I think that’s probably not the case.
What about with God?
It’s easy to praise God for the good, pray for someone close to us who is sick, or share a request about a family in need. But when there is tension, doubt, fear, questions in your heart…do you avoid it and hope it will go away or do we go to God in prayer with all of it?
There’s a verse that has been stuck to my laptop for the last several months. Since we talked about prayer at The Table, it has just been magnified in my heart.
“Let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
The first truth I needed to remember when I originally post-it noted this verse to my computer was – APPROACH. Don’t hide, ignore, or pretend it is not there. God already knows what’s on my mind.
The second truth I needed to be reminded of – WITH BOLDNESS. I don’t need to timidly beat around the bush and tiptoe in with small talk or some kind of script. Because of Jesus, we have the right and the privilege to approach with boldness as daughters of the King. Just like one of my children has no problem running up and urgently interrupting whatever I’m doing if they are hurt or need something – our identity in Christ gives us unhindered access to the throne of grace. Ask for what you need. Tell Him what is on your heart. Write it. Speak it out loud. Say it over and over again. And, take time to be still and listen.
One of the best pieces of advice I was given when I was struggling with prayer was to read Psalms, read it often, read it out loud. I wanted so badly for my prayers to be more than “God be with my neighbor who is sick, God thank you for my family.” But, I was stuck with surface level short prayers, worrying about the right thing to say, and afraid to bring my real feelings to God. Through reading the words, the cries, the pleadings, the rollercoaster of emotions, the heartfelt unfiltered prayers of David & others in Psalms, God changed my heart and my prayer life.
I just want to encourage you today that He hears you. He has heard your voice – every word you have spoken. And what you are afraid to say…He knows that, too. So don’t avoid the tough stuff. Don’t give God the silent treatment as if He doesn’t already know your heart. He is waiting.
Cry out.
Thank Him.
…just pray.
“I called to the Lord in my distress, and I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.” Psalm 18:6
We’re in this together, friends. Our team would love to know how we can pray for you and with you! Send a request on your myNPC App, go to northpointeFL.org/prayer or leave a comment below .
The Seven Next Words of Christ /5
Go into the world. Mark 16:15
Easter2023, 36/42
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