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Day 25 – December 21

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Day 25 – December 21

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! [Isaiah 52:7 NLT]

There is a certain sound that comes from the pitter patter of children’s feet as they run around the house at Christmas time. Sometimes they are chasing the dog or running away from a sibling.  Sometimes they are running down the stairs on Christmas morning. No matter what they are doing, that sound always makes a parent’s ears perk up as their mind turns to the question “what ARE they doing?”

In today’s passage, Isaiah reminds us that someone is coming with Good News! And the messenger’s feet are beautiful. What are they doing? They are coming with an incredible story of peace and salvation. I wonder, are our ears tuned-in to the sound of this Good News? Or is it drowned out by the noise of the world around us? Take a moment today and listen for the messenger. Turn your heart to the good news that comes; our God reigns and that fact brings incredible peace and life changing salvation. Stop. Take a breath. Listen. Hear the feet. He brings Good News. 

Father, thank You for sending a messenger to me this Christmas. Thank You for the reminder to listen for the feet of the messenger, to build anticipation in my heart. I surrender to the news You share, that You reign and that You bring peace and salvation. Help me to take a moment of peace today and soak that in.  Amen.

Written By: Pastor Steve Williams


Day 24 – December 20

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Day 24 – December 20

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. [Romans 5:1-2 ESV]

Peace. What a wonderful feeling it is to have peace. Life is very difficult when we are at odds with a sibling, spouse, or someone else we know. The emotional and relational strain we feel is burdensome to our lives. Knowing what it feels like to not have peace with another person, imagine now what it is like to not be at peace with the sovereign creator of the universe. It is something we cannot fully fathom, but it was our condition. We were at odds with God. These odds separated us from God completely. However, God had mercy on us and sent Jesus to bring us back to God. 

As we go into Christmas, we must not forget that without Christ descending to earth we would have no peace with God. Through the wonderful atoning work of Christ we can experience peace with God through faith. In this season, we always remember the child of God coming to earth, but we must always remember what He did when He came here. He reconciled us to God. Oh what sweet peace we have now. Our sins are washed away! 

Lord, thank You for sending Your son to be the propitiation for sins! Lord that atoning sacrifice reconciled us to You! We praise You for the peace that this brings and the salvation we have through the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Written by:  Braydon Hotchkiss 


Day 23 – December 19

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Day 23 – December 19

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. [John 14:27 NIV]

Christmas time is here. It’s my favorite time of the year. The lights, sounds, baked goodies and of course the gifts under the tree.  It really is a special time of the year. There is something about seeing the joy on someone’s face when you give them a gift they really wanted! The deep down , bawling your eyes out kind of gift is one that comes just at the right moment and is really something you need.

This is the gift of peace that Jesus is describing here. He gives it to us and gives without holding back or with any catches, unlike what the world does.  The world gives but you have a thousand hoops to jump through along the way. Jesus gives such peace that it calms our hearts and minds. Our troubles and our fears begin to fade into the background as His peace gets brighter and brighter. This year, open your arms and your heart wide to receive the gift of peace that Jesus has for you.

Father, thank You for giving me the precious gift of peace. I need Your peace more than anything for this Christmas season and heading into the New Year. Jesus, I need You to protect my heart from troubles and guard my mind from fearful thoughts. Thank You for leaving me peace, it is the gift I need and the gift I want, Amen.

Written by: Pastor Lance Courtney


Day 22 – December 18

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Day 22 – December 18

Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. [Isaiah 9:7 ESV]

When God called Abraham in Genesis 12, he told him that through his descendants he would bless all nations of the earth. In this passage we see Isaiah prophesying the fulfillment of this promise. Through the line of David, God would send the Messiah whose kingdom and rule would have no end. The “government” spoken of is the gracious gift of God bringing us, as gentiles, into the fold of salvation. He took two separate peoples and made them one, the church, who are the ones who populate the Lord’s kingdom that has no end. During Christmas, we tend to focus only on Christ coming down to earth, but if Christ only came down and never ascended then we would not have much to celebrate! After his resurrection and 40 days on earth thereafter, Christ ascended into heaven to sit on his throne ruling over his established kingdom of the Church. You and I are part of this kingdom that has no end! Christ has promised that the kingdom will never end and that one day he will return to abolish sin and death.

Church, let us remember who sits on the throne. Let us remember that nothing will ever overcome His church. Be comforted that God has given us a risen savior who rules and is in control. Find your hope in your king!

Lord God, let us not only remember Your descension to earth to save us, but let us also remember Your ascension and Your current rule over Your kingdom. Lord, You are holy, You are sovereign, and You are king.  Amen.

Written by:  Braydon Hotchkiss


Day 21 – December 17

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Day 21 – December 17

Shout for joy to God, all the earth!  Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious. [Psalm 66:1-2 NIV]

Christmas carols are a ubiquitous part of the holiday season.   They represent the joyful expression of the nativity story.  I believe that even the ‘secular’ Christmas songs like Jingle Bells and Frosty The Snowman bring glory to God.  These carols, too, are sung with joy and remind us that it is Christmas!

As a young adult, my family lived in a farming community.   On Christmas Eve many of the kids and others of my age would go caroling from farm to farm.  It was non-stop singing as we drove around the neighborhood to share our joy for the season.  We lived in a climate where we always had a white Christmas making it easy to belt out the complete repertoire of carols. Part of me misses those nights.  They were just one way of preparing Jesus’ room, on the night before His arrival.

Oh, precious Father, I pray that we all sing the beloved Christmas carols to you this week.  Even in my terribly inadequate, tuneless voice, I am shouting for Your joy and singing to bring You glory.  Lord, the whole earth rejoices at the coming of Jesus, in whose name I pray.  Amen.

Written by: Bev Carbert



Day 20 – December 16

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Day 20 – December 16

After this interview the wise men went their way. And the star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  [Matthew 2:9-11 NLT]

When the wise men entered the presence of Jesus, even as He was still a baby, they immediately worshiped Him. They recognized that they were not only in the presence of a King, but in the very presence of Immanuel, God with us.

The wise men worshiped Him by changing their posture and bowing down before Him. They also gave Him gifts from their hard-earned treasure. But not just any gifts, they gave Him the BEST of what they had. These gifts were items that they worked hard for, and spent years accumulating wealth to be able to purchase for themselves, yet they knew they had to give Jesus their best.

This Christmas season, will you choose to give God your best? The best of the gifts you’ve been given. Let’s give Him the best of our time so that others get the best of our time. Let’s give Him the best of what we’ve worked so hard to gain so that God can be blessed in return.

Heavenly Father, everything I have is from You. Help me release the hold I have on things You’ve given me. Help me to use all that I am, all that I have, and all that You will give as a way to bless You and others. Help me to surrender it all for Your glory and fame.  Amen. 

Written by: Brian Griggs


Day 19 – December 15

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Day 19 – December 15

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”  [Luke 2:13-14 NIV]

Joy to the World!  Peace on Earth!  You don’t have to look far to find these two phrases during the Christmas season:  Christmas Cards, Yard Signs, Mall Decor, Home Decorations, Social Media, Christmas Carols, Radio Playlists, School Plays.

But the irony is, our world seems so far from experiencing joy and peace anywhere.  Our newsfeeds, social media, school campuses, YouTube, TikTok, everything is filled with hate, violence, negativity, opinion, sarcasm, identity confusion, scandal, political unrest.  The population attempts to find peace and joy through social rights and self indulgences.  The government asserts that peace, joy and harmony are found through more government, power and regulation.  

The truth is both of these pursuits are woefully lacking – two legged stools if you will – doomed to topple without the third essential leg.  The leg given to us in the beginning. The gift from God that promised real Joy and real Peace and real Hope.  My friends – God gave us what we needed all along.  Sadly, many have turned to their own ways.  Isaiah 53:6 says All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him [JESUS] the sins of us all.   You see  –  thankfully Jesus came into the world [Luke 2] and died for our sins to reconcile sinful man [Us] with a Holy God so that we can have forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God!   Thus restoring PEACE and JOY in our lives!   Oh, I pray that YOU have made Jesus YOUR Forgiver and Leader in YOUR life!

Thank You Lord for sending Your son Jesus into the world to pay the penalty for my sins!  Thank You for forgiving me of my sins!  The only way I could have paid for my sins was to die an eternal death in hell for what I had done – BUT You – Jesus – stood in MY PLACE – and Died for Me – and Took My Penalty – and Paid My Price!  Thank You for doing that for ME!  Because of what You did for me – I now choose to surrender my life to You!  I choose today to follow You now and forever!  Amen!

Written by:  Pastor Steve Wells 


Day 18 – December 14

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Day 18 – December 14

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  [Luke 2:10-11 NIV]

It is almost impossible for me to read these verses without hearing the voice of Linus reciting the Christmas story.   In case you are that one person in our church family who hasn’t seen “A Charlie Brown Christmas” find the 1965 television special and watch it!   As only the hapless Charlie Brown and his friends can do, they embark on a search for the meaning of Christmas.   Uncharacteristically, Linus takes charge and recites from the Gospel of Luke.  One piece of trivia for you – Shultz had to stand firm against the television producers to have children voice all the animated characters.

Linus was not afraid to share the true meaning of Christmas.  I think in his childlike wisdom, Linus understood the gravity of the message delivered by the angel to the shepherds.  However, the shepherds were in a much different time and place.  They weren’t retelling the story – they were unexpectedly called into the original Christmas pageant.  It is no wonder they were terrified by the angelic message!

As we continue to prepare our hearts in this Christmas season, may I be so bold as to encourage you to imagine yourself as one of the shepherds in Luke 2.  And as Linus.

Heavenly Father, I bow my head in prayer grateful for the Good News that an angel brought to those shepherds 2000 years ago.  I pray that I am a Linus and prepared to share that same Good News to those I encounter.  Thank You for the birth of the Messiah in the town of David.  Amen.

Written by: Bev Carbert


Day 17 – December 13

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Day 17 – December 13

But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.  [Luke 1:43-44 NIV]

Today’s scripture comes from the account of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth.  Elizabeth is six months pregnant with a son who will become known as John the Baptist.  Mary had recently come to grips with the holy purpose assigned – the mother of the Messiah!

The phrase spoken by Elizabeth “why am I so favored” is particularly striking.  It resonates with me.  I’m not special.  I’m content in my life.  I’m just trying to lead an obedient life with no expectation of uniqueness.  Then bam!  It isn’t just Mary visiting.   Jesus was showing up in both Elizabeth’s and baby John’s lives.   The natural extension of this realization is that Jesus shows up in all our lives.  We simply have to open the door of our heart and let Him in!

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your presence in my life.  As I continue this journey of preparing You room, I pray that I feel favored and joyful as I reflect on Your arrival.  Father, I ask that everyone in our Church family appreciates their individual favored status, and Your love this Christmas.  Amen.

Written by: Bev Carbert

Day 16 – December 12

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Day 16 – December 12

I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.  [Psalm 86:12 NIV]

As a kid I loved buffets (I still do)!! There are so many choices and a variety of options to choose from.  That’s what we all love about buffets, the choices (and the large amounts of food).  If you are like me you love any situation when you get to make the choice, rather than one being made for you. When I was a kid at the buffet I got to choose. Beef or chicken; salad bar or steamed veggies; ice cream bar or cakes/pies and the list goes on. It’s the choice for me. 

Today’s verse says, “I will praise… and I will glorify…” these are by choice when we could choose to do other things. The most honoring and obedient thing we can do is to live our lives in a way that brings glory and praise to our God. When you and I make this choice willingly, it brings a smile to your Heavenly Father’s face. Out of all you could do today, choose to praise and glorify!!

Father, I thank You today for giving me free will. I choose today to use that freedom to praise You for all You have done in my life. I thank You for the blessings and I choose to live my life in such a way that brings glory to Your Name, Amen.

Written by: Pastor Lance Courtney