Day 28 – December 24
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. [John 1:14 ESV]
I must admit, after 22 years in ministry, I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea of God sending His son Jesus to earth becoming a man. Wow! The Eternal – Immortal One – taking on the temporal flesh of a mortal, for the sole purpose of demonstrating His love for us by suffering a painful death on a cross for our sins! Oh such love the Father has for us! Such a love is too lofty for me to understand or even begin to comprehend. [Psalm 139:6] Yet it was so! He did come! He came – full of Grace, Love, Mercy and Truth, and he came with me on His mind! Thank you Lord for this extraordinary act of love!
Tomorrow is Christmas Day, and while we know Jesus was not born on December 25th we still pause to honor Jesus and remember his birth just the same. Tomorrow – everything in this pagan and lost world will stop its frenetic pace for a great majestic pause (from corporations to retail) while Christians all around this earth, that You created, sing of your Glorious Son’s birth and proclaim “Emmanuel – God With Us!”
To You O Lord be glorified and exalted forever and ever. Amen!
Written by: Pastor Steve Wells