
Prepare 2022

Day 18 – December 14

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Day 18 – December 14

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  [Luke 2:10-11 NIV]

It is almost impossible for me to read these verses without hearing the voice of Linus reciting the Christmas story.   In case you are that one person in our church family who hasn’t seen “A Charlie Brown Christmas” find the 1965 television special and watch it!   As only the hapless Charlie Brown and his friends can do, they embark on a search for the meaning of Christmas.   Uncharacteristically, Linus takes charge and recites from the Gospel of Luke.  One piece of trivia for you – Shultz had to stand firm against the television producers to have children voice all the animated characters.

Linus was not afraid to share the true meaning of Christmas.  I think in his childlike wisdom, Linus understood the gravity of the message delivered by the angel to the shepherds.  However, the shepherds were in a much different time and place.  They weren’t retelling the story – they were unexpectedly called into the original Christmas pageant.  It is no wonder they were terrified by the angelic message!

As we continue to prepare our hearts in this Christmas season, may I be so bold as to encourage you to imagine yourself as one of the shepherds in Luke 2.  And as Linus.

Heavenly Father, I bow my head in prayer grateful for the Good News that an angel brought to those shepherds 2000 years ago.  I pray that I am a Linus and prepared to share that same Good News to those I encounter.  Thank You for the birth of the Messiah in the town of David.  Amen.

Written by: Bev Carbert


Day 17 – December 13

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Day 17 – December 13

But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.  [Luke 1:43-44 NIV]

Today’s scripture comes from the account of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth.  Elizabeth is six months pregnant with a son who will become known as John the Baptist.  Mary had recently come to grips with the holy purpose assigned – the mother of the Messiah!

The phrase spoken by Elizabeth “why am I so favored” is particularly striking.  It resonates with me.  I’m not special.  I’m content in my life.  I’m just trying to lead an obedient life with no expectation of uniqueness.  Then bam!  It isn’t just Mary visiting.   Jesus was showing up in both Elizabeth’s and baby John’s lives.   The natural extension of this realization is that Jesus shows up in all our lives.  We simply have to open the door of our heart and let Him in!

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your presence in my life.  As I continue this journey of preparing You room, I pray that I feel favored and joyful as I reflect on Your arrival.  Father, I ask that everyone in our Church family appreciates their individual favored status, and Your love this Christmas.  Amen.

Written by: Bev Carbert

Day 16 – December 12

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Day 16 – December 12

I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.  [Psalm 86:12 NIV]

As a kid I loved buffets (I still do)!! There are so many choices and a variety of options to choose from.  That’s what we all love about buffets, the choices (and the large amounts of food).  If you are like me you love any situation when you get to make the choice, rather than one being made for you. When I was a kid at the buffet I got to choose. Beef or chicken; salad bar or steamed veggies; ice cream bar or cakes/pies and the list goes on. It’s the choice for me. 

Today’s verse says, “I will praise… and I will glorify…” these are by choice when we could choose to do other things. The most honoring and obedient thing we can do is to live our lives in a way that brings glory and praise to our God. When you and I make this choice willingly, it brings a smile to your Heavenly Father’s face. Out of all you could do today, choose to praise and glorify!!

Father, I thank You today for giving me free will. I choose today to use that freedom to praise You for all You have done in my life. I thank You for the blessings and I choose to live my life in such a way that brings glory to Your Name, Amen.

Written by: Pastor Lance Courtney

Day 15 – December 11

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Day 15 – December 11

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.  [Luke 1:46-49 CSB]

“My soul magnifies the Lord” were the joyous words of Mary. These words are part of a song of praise as she sings to the Lord for the mighty work he is about to do through her. What is so incredible about this statement is that Mary did not say “My soul magnifies me” but rather “My soul magnifies the Lord.” Mary recognized that she would be the one through whom God would bring the Messiah into the world. Though it would have been tempting for her to boast of herself, rather she points out that this amazing work God is doing, using her, is going to magnify or reveal His glory. She recognizes that only by the grace of God and His sovereign purpose will she be considered blessed by “all generations.” Rather than bringing the spotlight to herself, she has directed it towards God! Magnifying the Lord’s grace that He gives to sinners who can do nothing for themselves.  

As we go into this holiday season, let us focus on the amazing blessings that God has given us and magnify Him. Let us look to the Lord with thanksgiving and proclaim “Holy is His name!”

Lord, You have blessed us tremendously, there is not anything I need that You withhold. You are my provider and my sustainer. Lord let Your gracious and mighty works that You have done in us magnify Your name alone. Let all blessings we receive reflect Your grace and mercy.  Amen.

Written by:  Braydon Hotchkiss

Day 14 – December 10

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Day 14 – December 10

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”  [Matthew 22:37-40 NLT]

What would it look like if we loved someone else with all of our emotions, all of our actions, all of our inner being, and all of our thoughts? Do the people who we care about most describe us in this way? Ouch! I know I’m guilty many times of loving my interests and myself more than I love God and others.

In this passage, we see Jesus summarizing the entire Jewish Scriptures into two commands. Jesus realigned what a relationship with Him and our Heavenly Father looked like. A surrendered life that is characterized by a love for God with every part of who we are. Every thought, every action, every emotion, etc. But not only to God, but also to others.

This Christmas, let’s ask God to show us how to love Him more and to love others better. Let’s allow our time spent with family and friends to be about what we can give and not about what we can get.

God, help me to fall more in love with you every day. Let every emotion, every action, every thought, and my entire being be a living sacrifice meant to bring a smile to your face. Help me to be a light of love to my family, my friends, and to everyone I meet.   Amen.

Written by: Brian Griggs

Day 13 – December 9

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Day 13 – December 9

“…No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” [1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT]

We cannot imagine all that God has in store for us, both in this world and for all eternity.  He will create a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21:1), and we will live with him forever.  Until then his Holy Spirit comforts us and guides us through all of life’s circumstances.  Knowing the promise of the wonderful and eternal future that awaits us, gives us the hope and peace and courage to press on in this life, to endure hardship, and to avoid giving into temptation.  This world is NOT all that there is – the BEST is yet to come!  

Stop and think about how much the Father loves us to share with us the details and promises our eternal future! He loves us so much to make sure that we have Hope & Peace & Joy about what is to come!   Our Faith is not in vain!  We are not shadow boxing or wishing upon a star.  God is Real – His Word is True – His Promise of Heaven is as sure as the ground you are standing on!

Father, Thank You for loving me so much that you gave me this glimpse of eternity!  I must admit, in my humanity – I have a hard time wrapping my mind around all that Heaven entails – it must be so magnificent! Allow a moment this Christmas to gaze into the night sky and be captivated by the wonder of countless stars and galaxies above and think about how you meticulously created each star and hung each one in place – and how we as humans are still unable to see them all!  Then let my mind be blown to think that Heaven must be 100x more glorious and complex than a million or more galaxies!  Oh the Majesty and Glory of Your Name!  You are so Worthy to be Praised! Amen!

Written by:  Pastor Steve Wells

Day 12 – December 8

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Day 12 – December 8

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
His faithful love endures forever. [Psalm 136:1-3 CSB]

Holidays are hard!

I came face to face with this reality as a teenager.   My family’s Christmas traditions were shaken by my mother’s illness and death.  But more than my own situation, most of my friends experienced similar pain during the holiday season.  The specifics ranged from grief, to divorce, to financial hardship, to familial dysfunction, to illness.   All the while we were comparing our own sadness and holiday challenges to the ‘perfect’ (or so it seemed) circumstances of other acquaintances and portrayals in movies and on television.

Fortunately, I also came to realize that the pain and challenges were only part of the holiday season.  New traditions evolve.  Memories of lost love ones and prior holidays are to be cherished and celebrated.

In the midst of hard holidays, we can all take solace in the psalmist’s words.  God’s faithful love endures forever!  His steadfast love endures forever!  Pick up a Bible and read all 26 verses of Psalm 136.   Let the Word soak in.

Father God, I pray that anyone reading these words and feeling even a little despair that holidays are hard, will pause and reflect on the Word that You laid out in Psalm 136.  Come alongside each of us and fill the holes in our hearts with the goodness of You.  Help us to focus on the coming birth of the baby Jesus, and ALL that Christmas truly means.  Amen.

Written by: Bev Carbert

Day 11 – December 7

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Day 11 – December 7

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT

You know that feeling when you arrive at your grandma’s house, you can smell the good home cooking, laughter is erupting from the front porch and grandma herself is waiting for you by the front door ready to give you the BIGGEST hug and kiss. There is something about the warmth and love of my Mammaw, that is such a great reminder of the love, faith and hope that endures through most everything. I know I can call my Mammaw and she will be ready with a listening ear and a heartfelt prayer to encourage me. The promise of today’s verse goes beyond even what a grandma can offer in love, faith and hope. The Love of Christ is the only true way to endure through all circumstances. I am grateful for that kind of love. 

Father, I am so thankful for the love You show me by sending Jesus as the perfect example of faith, hope and love. Jesus, continue to make me more like You as I strive to live my life to honor You in all circumstances.  Amen.

Written by: Pastor Lance Courtney



More and More

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Prepare Him Room
Day 10 – December 6 

I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. [Philippians 1:9 NLT]

An escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to a getaway in the great outdoors always provides me with the opportunity to catch my breath and get my feet back under me as I marvel in the splendor of His creation and am reminded of how incredibly small I am and how big, powerful, capable, and able He is.  Several years ago I visited Yellowstone National Park.  There are so many unique and fascinating things to see in the park, but one of my favorites was the eruption of the famous geyser, Old Faithful.  To witness firsthand as 8,400 gallons of water spouted 90 to 125 feet in the air with such power and force was truly magnificent!  And this amazing display repeats on the average of every 90 minutes just like it has for the last 150+ years!  That’s faithful! 

I love the beautiful and heartfelt prayer the apostle Paul wrote for the Christians at Philippi in Philipppians 1:9 so much so that it has been my steadfast prayer for my children throughout their lives.  As Christians we are called to be imitators of God.  In order to do this, we must grow in knowledge and understanding of who He is through the reading of His Word.  In 1 John 4:16, we are provided with great insight about God.  It says “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”  Did you catch that?…..God IS love.  Growing in knowledge and understanding of God is a continual, lifelong pursuit…we never actually “arrive.”  As our relationship with Him grows and we know God more, our love grows and it overflows more and more.   

Father God, thank You for Your magnificent creation Old Faithful that reminds me to be faithful to seek you so that I, too, may overflow.  Thank you for your steadfast love for me and for the joy and privilege to spend time with You through prayer and the reading of Your Word.  I pray that You would continue to show me truly remarkable things about You and that my love would overflow more and more, drawing others to You.  This Christmas season I pray to be more like You and less like me.  Amen.

Written by: Pam Bos



Make Room

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Day 9 – December 5

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. [Mark 12:30 ESV]

I think there may be one of those pastor jokes when you get to a scripture like this that says something like, “Do you know what all means in the original language? It means ALL!” (I looked it up. It’s true! All, whole, completely.)

If we’re going to love God with ALL our heart, ALL our soul, ALL our mind, and ALL our strength – that really doesn’t leave room for anything else. There’s no longer room for our worries or fears, our own priorities or selfish ambitions, our sin or lies from the enemy that we allow to take up space where they don’t belong. 

Our ability to love God with ALL is greatly affected by what else is cluttering up our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. As we continue to prepare for Christmas together, it’s time to make room. Let Him in. All of the rooms, all of the corners. The places in the light, and the places we think we have cleverly hidden in the shadows. He knows what is there anyway. Flush out the old, make room for the new. Get rid of the junk and invite Him to take up the space where He belongs. Choose to give your heart, soul, mind, and strength the capacity to love the Lord your God like never before. 

This Christmas or whatever season you find yourself in, the best gift you could give to yourself, your family, your friends, your church, your community, and your God is to fully, completely love Him with your ALL. 

God, help me to make room. Help me to remove the things that I have allowed to  take up space where you belong. Give me an undivided heart, whole and completely yours. Show me what life looks like when I am able to love you with ALL of my heart, ALL of my soul, ALL of my mind, and ALL of my strength. Amen.

Written by: Kylie McCracken